Sunday, March 9, 2014

Crazy drivers and creaping crud

Hello all,

This is most decidedly not going to be a radio related post.  If you came for that, you can skip this one altogether.  The purpose of the post is simply to let you know I'm still alive out here.

As mentioned, I attended the Ham Broadband seminar the first of February.  It was informative, and I'm looking forward to getting invovled in it.  When I left there, I stopped at the local Wal Mart to pick up a prescription, and on the way out of the parking lot got backed into.  The person doing the backing tried to make it into my fault, and if I hadn't been distracted by some other crazy person trying to back into me just prior to the accident, I might have seen him moving and been able jam on the brakes and avoid being hit by him.  It's a month later now, the $1900 in damage to my car has been repaired (you wouldn't have thought the damage was that much to look at it), and all's right with the world.

Had a nasty case of the creaping crud beginning the following week, bad enough to keep me away from work for a day.  And that's bad because my employer doesn't give sick days.

From a radio perspective, I'm still in a holding pattern.  The local apartment complex finally got the electricity turned on in my garage, so that part is taken care of.  What I need now is a big deep cycle battery.  Something that I can use to run my inverter and the radios.  The inverter is for the garage door.  And with the deductible for the insurace on the accident, that kind of killed my available funds for a while.  I still have big plans for this whole repeater/link, and looking forward to getting it online.  Until then, will still be going things the old way.
